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Ames Iowa Tornado Warning

Record-Breaking Hail and Tornado Warnings Hit Ames, Iowa

Quarter-Sized Hail Pummels Campus

Ames, Iowa residents were left stunned on Tuesday after a severe weather system brought quarter-size hail to the area. Video footage captured on the campus of Iowa State University shows the hailstones pelting the ground with incredible force. According to the National Weather Service, the hail was accompanied by strong winds and heavy rain.

Tornado Warnings Issued

In addition to the hail, the storm also brought multiple tornado warnings to western Iowa. The entire metro area was included in a tornado warning that prompted residents to seek shelter. Storm chasers reported seeing cloud rotation near Iowa State University, raising concerns about a potential tornado.

Multiple Tornadoes Tracked

The National Weather Service tracked several tornadoes across western Iowa on Tuesday afternoon. The tornadoes caused damage to buildings and property, but no serious injuries were reported. Emergency crews are currently on the scene assisting with cleanup and recovery efforts.
