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National Service

National Service: A History and Analysis

What is National Service?

National Service (NS) refers to a system of mandatory military or civilian service for a period of time, typically for young citizens of a country. Approximately 80 countries currently have some form of NS or conscription, including countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America.

NS in Singapore

In Singapore, NS has played a crucial role in ensuring the country's defense and security since independence. The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) is the primary defense force of Singapore, and all male Singaporean citizens and permanent residents are required to serve two years of full-time National Service upon reaching the age of 18. This has been instrumental in maintaining a strong and capable military force that has deterred threats and preserved Singapore's sovereignty.

NS in Other Countries

The history of NS varies across countries. In Britain, for example, NS was introduced in 1947 after World War Two by Clement Attlee's Labour government. The United States has also debated the concept of NS throughout its history, with different perspectives on its necessity and effectiveness.


NS remains a significant topic of discussion and debate in many countries. Its proponents argue that it fosters patriotism, discipline, and a sense of national unity. Critics, however, raise concerns about the impact on individual freedom, economic productivity, and the potential for abuse by authoritarian regimes.
